Explosive Testimonies and Classified Secrets of UAP Encounters 

A former military intelligence officer-turned-whistleblower, David Grusch, testified before the House Oversight Committee's national security subcommittee about unidentified anomalous phenomena, known as UAP or UFOs 

A former military intelligence officer-turned-whistleblower, David Grusch, testified before the House Oversight Committee's national security subcommittee about unidentified anomalous phenomena, known as UAP or UFOs 

Grusch served for 14 years as an intelligence officer in the Air Force and National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, and he was a representative on two Pentagon task forces investigating UAP until earlier this year 

Grusch served for 14 years as an intelligence officer in the Air Force and National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, and he was a representative on two Pentagon task forces investigating UAP until earlier this year 

He claimed that executive branch agencies have withheld information about UAP for years, including a "multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program" that he was denied access to 

He claimed that executive branch agencies have withheld information about UAP for years, including a "multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program" that he was denied access to 

Two former fighter pilots, Ryan Graves and David Fravor, also testified about their firsthand experience with UAP encounters during the hearing 

Two former fighter pilots, Ryan Graves and David Fravor, also testified about their firsthand experience with UAP encounters during the hearing 

The Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, established last year to investigate UAP incidents, has looked into approximately 800 reports of UAP as of May 

The Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, established last year to investigate UAP incidents, has looked into approximately 800 reports of UAP as of May 

Lawmakers from both parties questioned how Congress should investigate these allegations and demanded more transparency from the executive branch 

Lawmakers from both parties questioned how Congress should investigate these allegations and demanded more transparency from the executive branch 

Video recordings of UAP encounters have been released to the public, showing seemingly nondescript objects moving at high speeds with no apparent method of propulsion 

Video recordings of UAP encounters have been released to the public, showing seemingly nondescript objects moving at high speeds with no apparent method of propulsion 

The witnesses, including Graves and Fravor, emphasized that current reporting systems are inadequate to investigate UAP encounters, and there is a stigma for those who press for more transparency about their experiences

The witnesses, including Graves and Fravor, emphasized that current reporting systems are inadequate to investigate UAP encounters, and there is a stigma for those who press for more transparency about their experiences

Graves described detecting unknown objects during his time as an F-18 pilot, and one incident involved an object flying between two F-18s and coming within 50 feet of the aircraft 

Graves described detecting unknown objects during his time as an F-18 pilot, and one incident involved an object flying between two F-18s and coming within 50 feet of the aircraft 

Lawmakers introduced an amendment to the annual defense spending bill aimed at requiring executive branch agencies to disclose UAP records to a review board, citing potential national security threats posed by these unknown objects in or near U.S. airspace