Title 42 Border Restrictions Set to Expire: Concerns and Expectations

Title 42, a Trump-era public health restriction used to expel migrants at the US-Mexico border, is set to expire on May 11.

The Biden administration is ending the Covid public health emergency nationally, which served as the legal basis for Title 42's border restrictions.

Lifting Title 42 is expected to lead to a significant increase in the number of migrants attempting to cross into the US.

Many migrants who were expelled under Title 42 have faced dire situations, including incidents of kidnapping, torture, and rape.

Misinformation from smugglers is likely to contribute to a surge in migrant crossings.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has emphasized that the border is not open and urged potential migrants not to fall victim to smugglers' deception.

Without Title 42, US immigration authorities will revert to older protocols, which involve removal, detention, or release into the US while their cases go through immigration court.

A new asylum regulation, expected to go into effect, would generally prohibit migrants who traveled through other countries from applying for asylum in the US.